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Tichu Basics

How to play Tichu?
(For Greek support please click here (https://support.zoo.gr/761914-Tichu)) Tic...
Scoring a round
The total net points in Tichu (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air...
How to start a game
To start playing Tichu, you can "sit" at one of the available tables on the game...
How to monitor the progress of the game
You can check the current standing of your gained points as well as your opponen...
When does a game end?
The game ends when a pair exceeds the number of closing points. In case both tea...
Do I play with other users or against the computer?
You always play with real users. This is the magic of the game!
Is it free?
Access to the game is 100% free. However, if you want to, you can purchase Chips...