Dice Combinations

Ones-Twos-Threes-Fours-Fives-Sixes: A set of 1 or more of 1,2,3,4,5,6 in dice (along with any other random numbers). Their sum is the Total points number.
3 of a kind: 3 of any identical numbers (along with any other random numbers). The sum of ALL dices is the Total points number.
4 of a kind: 4 of any identical numbers (along with any other random numbers). The sum of ALL dices is the Total points number.
Full house: A set of 3 identical along with 2 identical numbers. For example, 3,3,3,2,2 or 6,6,6,2,2 .Their sum is the Total points number.
Small Straight: A set of four sequential numbers (1-2-3-4, 2-3-4-5, 3-4-5-6). 30 points.
Large Straight: A set of five sequential numbers (1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6). 40 points.
Yatzy: All dice are identical, 50 points.
Chance: Any set of numbers. Their sum is the Total points number.
Bonus: The table is divided into two parts, the left ("ones" to "sixes") and the right (rest combos) section. If the sum of points coming from the left section is 63 or higher, you get a bonus of 35 points.